Saturday, July 27, 2024

Novileague Kicks Off – Winners’ List


Novileague has kicked off for good!

Join the Excitement with the Free-to-Play Game where you Guess the Football Match Results and Win Amazing Prizes!

Each week, there will be at least two matchdays, and players with the most correct predictions will earn free bets and cash prizes. The competition will run until June 10th, 2023, and the player with the most accurate predictions will win a share of the €10,000 prize pool!

Submit your predictions here.

Let’s keep track of the results and give a big round of applause to our winners!

(*This article is being updated)

50th Matchday

No user found all 10 correct answers.
Aa****fe, Mc****80 found 9/10 correct answers and won €10 Free Bet each.
mi****16, ya****29, Jo****ou, Ca****22, Da****iz, He****th, ou****ap, Ke****90, Co****ee, no****ol, Co****an, An****94, Ma****81 found 8/10 correct answers and won €1 Free Bet each.

49th Matchday

No user found all 10 correct answers.
No user found 9/10 correct answers.
No user found 8/10 correct answers.

48th Matchday

No user found all 10 correct answers.
Be****85 found 9/10 correct answers and won €10 Free Bet.
Da****82, Me****an, Ei****ie, Na****18, Ni****e1, Ba****ok, Ke****91, ia****14, AN****81 found 8/10 correct answers and won €1 Free Bet each.

47th Matchday

No user found all 10 correct answers.
No user found 9/10 correct answers.
Sa****r1 found 8/10 correct answers and won €1 Free Bet.

46th Matchday

No user found all 10 correct answers.
No user found 9/10 correct answers.
No user found 8/10 correct answers.

45th Matchday

No user found all 10 correct answers.
Ia****th, Pa****77, ow****nt found 9/10 correct answers and won €10 Free Bet each.
41****41, Mu****20, Pk****34, Ma****82, Gr****m2, Yu****up, to****45, cz****83, Be****24, Si****14, Ja****25, Jo****ll, fo****ve, Ni****29, Ba****ck, Ge****rs, ku****85, Ri****in, MS****dy, Fr****dy, jo****a1, To****ey, Ka****55, Da****ng, Ad****10, Se****c7, An****40, Mi****95, Le****86, Bo****44, Ta****88 found 8/10 correct answers and won €1 Free Bet each.

44th Matchday

No user found all 10 correct answers.
No user found 9/10 correct answers.
No user found 8/10 correct answers.

43th Matchday

No user found all 10 correct answers.
Bu****92, Le****oj found 9/10 correct answers and won €10 Free Bet each.
Ne****86, Sa****ka, De****21, BR****46, Se****90, Ma****23, Jo****94, Be****85, iv****er, Br****91, Ye****un, Ao****88, Eo****or, La****rS, Ci****av found 8/10 correct answers and won €1 Free Bet each.

42nd Matchday

No user found all 10 correct answers.
No user found 9/10 correct answers.
No user found 8/10 correct answers.

41st Matchday

No user found all 10 correct answers.
No user found 9/10 correct answers.
Ma****88, De****en found 8/10 correct answers and won €1 Free Bet each.

40th Matchday

No user found all 10 correct answers.
No user found 9/10 correct answers.
Ko****13 and Mi****99 found 8/10 correct answers and won €1 Free Bet each.

39th Matchday

No user found all 10 correct answers.
No user found 9/10 correct answers.
No user found 8/10 correct answers.

38th Matchday

No user found all 10 correct answers.
No user found 9/10 correct answers.
Pa****l1 found 8/10 correct answers and won €1 Free Bet.

37th Matchday

No user found all 10 correct answers.
No user found 9/10 correct answers.
No user found 8/10 correct answers.

36th Matchday

Wh****mI, Je****il, Mi****11, ma****95 found all 10 correct answers and won €125 cash each.
Sa****03, aw****55, Me****an, BR****46, cj****ra, AN****81, ek****17, ch****40, Co****49, Ka****47, eg****ur, Di****ab, ku****85, Vo****70, Hy****11, da****yy, to****45, Sh****mc, Ri****in, do****ob, ki****er, Ne****ux, Pc****4u, Mi****26, Pe****e1, Al****11, Se****81, mi****16, bo****PB, Da****00, To****84, Mi****19 found 9/10 correct answers and won €10 Free Bet each.
Ge****na, 41****41, Ho****88, Pa****77, Ka****Dz, Ch****ns, do****01, 83****ce, Ha****82, ar****es, Ja****07, Na****18, Da****mc, Pu****70, Lo****92, De****59, Bu****mc, ja****y1, pa****12, da****45, Os****22, To****23, dd****78, Ev****ro, Co****an, Sa****ka, cz****83, Be****24, Bu****it, Od****cd, Br****87, Pe****16, th****o1, De****en, bl****43, no****ol, De****56, Le****12, da****00, Jo****23, Th****me, Da****iz, Ah****23, ya****29, an****27, Rc****94, Mu****01, Mo****32, Da****ng, Jo****69, Te****69, Se****c7, Mu****08, He****98, Mu****20, Kr****ec, Ha****LT, iv****er, Ku****ro, Vm****er, Bo****jo, Co****96, Dz****87, Sh****th, By****93, Le****en, Da****l1, Br****23, De****ii, Cs****g7, Ro****88, Ce****ed, wi****01, Ge****d1 found 8/10 correct answers and won €1 Free Bet each.

35th Matchday

No user found all 10 correct answers.
Ad****99 found 9/10 correct answers and won a €10 Free Bet
Sa****ka, dd****78, ja****c1, Ig****86, OG****40, Ba****98, Ko****13, Ni****e1, ki****er, CO****30, Ri****in, Da****82, Sc****er, Le****86, Ve****ne, Ge****na, ga****87, BR****46, Cl****79, da****00 found 8/10 correct answers and won €1 Free Bet each.

34th Matchday

No user found all 10 correct answers.
th****as, Ja****ne, do****ob found 9/10 correct answers and won €10 Free Bet each.
Be****85, Na****18, cj****ra, Ko****18, Jo****23, 41****41, ku****85, Mi****11, bb****81, Al****11, jo****ul, Ei****ie, Sa****ka, Co****49, Da****23, ka****20, dc****ge, pa****76, Ch****ns, Mi****z7, Za****o1, Jo****69, eg****ur, Me****an, Sa****03, Ca****31, Ne****86, la****kk, Ko****13, Rh****0d, Wa****84, De****en, Mi****99, Ja****84, Mu****20, gm****89, Le****oj, Gm****21, Se****90, mi****16, Sc****er, Tr****86, Ni****ny, Lu****y7, Na****34, Ai****41, Be****24, Cs****g7, Ma****tz, ta****03, da****00, sp****14, Ri****in, Be****30, bo****PB, Co****35 found 8/10 correct answers and won €1 Free Bet each.

33th Matchday

No user found all 10 correct answers.
Ni****e1, Ba****98, bb****81, ki****oc found 9/10 correct answers and won €10 Free Bet each.
Ho****88, Ha****91, ch****40, Sa****ka, pa****76, cj****ra, IS****IL, Bu****50, Na****18, Cs****g7, Bo****o1, Ch****ns, 62****84, 41****41, Sa****03, Le****86, Me****an, Lu****y7, cz****83, De****56, Co****77, Ia****th, Za****o1, bo****17, Jo****69, Ri****in, To****33, Ko****13, 83****ce, Rh****0d, ja****c1, Ma****p1, su****e2, Sc****er, Co****96, bo****c7, te****05, Co****49, Bu****it, La****71, Ca****31, ja****y1, Be****30, Ja****ne, Ta****88, cr****86, jh****88 found 8/10 correct answers and won €1 Free Bet each.

32nd Matchday

No user found all 10 correct answers.
No user found 9/10 correct answers.
No user found 8/10 correct answers.

31st Matchday

No user found all 10 correct answers.
No user found 9/10 correct answers.
Ho****88, Ma****tz, Sh****ar, Mi****11 found 8/10 correct answers and won €1 Free Bet each.

30th Matchday

No user found all 10 correct answers.
No user found 9/10 correct answers.
Cs****g7, do****01, br****99 found 8/10 correct answers and won €1 Free Bet each.

29th Matchday

No user found all 10 correct answers.
Dr****11, hu****st found 9/10 correct answers and won €10 Free Bet each.
iv****er, Ni****29, Aa****fe, da****r1, gi****92, Ni****e1, SB****42, Dy****97 found 8/10 correct answers and won €1 Free Bet each.

28th Matchday

No user found all 10 correct answers.
No user found 9/10 correct answers.
No user found 8/10 correct answers.

27th Matchday

No user found all 10 correct answers.
No user found 9/10 correct answers.
No user found 8/10 correct answers.

26th Matchday

No user found all 10 correct answers.
No user found 9/10 correct answers.
No user found 8/10 correct answers.

25th Matchday

No user found all 10 correct answers.
No user found 9/10 correct answers.
No user found 8/10 correct answers.

24th Matchday

ab****96 found all 10 correct answers and won €500 in cash.
Ko****18, Ba****04, Ro****88, Lu****ny, Br****91, Ga****yg, AP****gz, Nd****65, ca****ah, ch****01, Cr****11, pi****11, SU****na, Sn****90, Ga****80, op****67 found 9/10 correct answers and won €10 Free Bet each.
41****41, Gr****y1, cz****83, Sa****03, AN****81, Mu****20, Jo****23, Fu****01, Lo****92, Ra****12, Ja****03, Go****83, eg****ur, Pa****77, To****33, Mi****z7, Me****an, Ja****25, Di****ab, ed****83, to****45, mu****21, Ho****69, ja****10, Tw****rz, Ga****iu, Su****DT, Ci****av, Eo****or, te****sh, Ta****88, Ba****98, Pc****4u, Se****82, Pr****98, Da****ng, Hy****11, BR****46, Br****87, te****05, Da****19, Ho****88, ya****29, ki****oc, bl****43, Je****29, An****39, Bu****92, Za****o1, gm****89, De****04, De****69, Mu****01, co****27, Sl****12, Cs****g7, ch****40, Se****c7, bo****PB, jo****a1, Gm****21, Ja****07, Ad****05, Be****24, wi****01, An****an, ku****85, Pa****in, Aa****fe, Cr****01, mw****44, Ri****18, Ma****23, Am****87, Al****35, Ge****on, ad****dy, Em****ea, De****21, Pa****30, Da****mc, Ma****47, Lo****47, gl****74, Sa****12, Er****98, Mc****80, Pg****86, vi****07, Jo****40, ch****57, da****00, jc****20, 08****66, bi****22 found 8/10 correct answers and won €1 Free Bet each.

23rd Matchday

No user found all 10 correct answers.
No user found 9/10 correct answers.
No user found 8/10 correct answers.

22nd Matchday

iv****er found all 10 correct answers and won €500 in cash.
Be****07, TE****00, Ma****ax, Be****24 found 9/10 correct answers and won €10 Free Bet each.
Sa****03, bo****PB, Ho****88, mi****62, ca****ah, Lo****92, da****00, Ci****av, ed****83, Sa****ka, Ma****82, du****na, Ma****a3, dc****ge, Bu****mc, gj****43, Ah****23, Ba****98, Za****o1, Be****85, Ja****lm, Ga****yg, Eo****or, Sa****12, pa****36, De****55, Ri****in, ri****24, Ho****69, Ev****ro, Mi****99, ki****oc, Da****82, ku****85, Co****an, ou****ap, Nu****10, Em****ea, za****ne, Sh****ah, jo****a1, aa****78 found 8/10 correct answers and won €1 Free Bet each.

21st Matchday

No user found all 10 correct answers.
No user found 9/10 correct answers.
dc****ge, lu****d1, Co****an, ca****98, Ti****23, le****81 found 8/10 correct answers and won €1 Free Bet each.

20th Matchday

Ge****na found all 10 correct answers and won a €500 in cash.
Av****13, Eo****88, Ah****23, Ro****p2, Da****l7 found 9/10 correct answers and won a €10 Free Bet each.
th****98, Bu****mc, ja****c1, Ei****ie, By****93, Sa****ka, Pa****on, Sa****03, Lo****92, du****na, ci****98, va****xo, Ch****ra, Di****ab, dc****ge, SB****42, Da****82, ca****ah, Tw****rz, AN****81, Mo****16, De****en, Ho****88, Oi****nM, Pa****28, dd****78, Du****34, Ta****11, Pr****98, Ne****86, Da****iu, Tr****aa, 41****41, Ma****86, Se****c7, Ch****ns, Sl****12, sm****09, Cs****g7, Ma****tz, ek****17, Jo****01, Ja****95, 83****ce, Ga****iu, pa****76, De****59, Jo****ou, ed****83, Na****18, la****kk, am****24, Ni****ny, Ra****ne, Ma****00, Bi****45, gj****09, di****u1, Ki****ic, Jo****23, Ko****18, Ro****ke, do****01, Ro****22, Ca****31, Gr****84, Mu****20, gm****89, Wh****mI, Be****en, Ma****82, Ty****ia, Ja****50, Hy****11, DM****22, Eo****or, Ni****29, Ma****89, bl****43, ad****dy, mi****62, Le****86, Co****77, Ra****97, ri****24, be****92, Ev****ro, sz****el, Br****87, ch****rz, Gr****96, AP****gz, co****nz, eg****ur, be****23, Do****ix, ra****79, Si****14, 62****84, Dy****97, Na****34, Ao****88, Ia****th, Ru****st, ya****29, La****87, th****st, Aa****fe, Pu****70, Da****iz, Co****95, Cr****11, bo****PB, ia****14, ch****ng, Do****83, Ma****za, le****81, Ri****in, Tr****86, Br****91, ro****oc, Du****20, vi****07, Ko****13, De****56, Vm****er, An****39, Du****11, Ro****oy, Mi****99, Pj****02, Ad****99, mi****16 found 8/10 correct answers and won €1 Free Bet each.

19th Matchday

No user found all 10 correct answers.
Lu****y7, Ce****al, Mo****16, to****11, da****45, Ch****ra, du****na, Pj****02, Ma****82, Vm****er, Le****23, Pe****92, Ne****11, vi****07, ab****96, Tw****rz, Ja****01, Ma****a3, Qq****xx, Ev****ro, ba****99, th****98, ca****id, Fu****01, ad****dy, Fo****67 found 9/10 correct answers and won a €10 Free Bet each.
Pa****on, Al****29, mi****16, Pa****65, AP****gz, be****92, Am****ld, Me****an, ch****40, Da****82, 88****a8, Ja****07, Ge****na, Ga****iu, io****30, th****st, Da****mc, Da****ng, Ro****22, Fl****32, ch****01, Mu****01, Da****56, Ja****50, G0****nA, pi****11, Ch****23, Av****13, Jo****23, da****05, ci****y3, eg****ur, Sa****03, Di****ab, cz****83, Le****86, Ha****00, gm****89, Wh****mI, Se****90, St****va, Ty****ia, 41****41, te****05, Du****34, Tr****86, dd****78, Pa****78, Ge****37, Mi****85, Ch****ns, De****en, Hy****11, Ha****ll, Ji****22, Ar****in, 62****84, An****39, di****u1, Jo****50, Mu****20, CA****RP, ja****c1, sm****09, AN****81, fl****sz, Ja****23, Pa****eb, co****27, Rh****0d, ya****29, mw****44, Pk****34, ca****ah, Ca****fc, La****rS, Jo****81, Cr****11, Jh****13, ki****oc, Ji****11, Do****10, By****93, ed****83, Ja****03, Ri****88, no****ol, Ji****79, Ki****ic, Iw****13, ra****79, Ri****12, Ms****72, Sl****12, Ra****52, Ca****23, Ni****le, Sh****r9, Ma****za, fi****ng, An****40, Ma****ss, Al****35, Mo****22, Ed****no, Cy****s1, Ci****av, Br****91, Ma****in, Dh****34, An****95, bl****43, Eb****us, Jo****94, Ca****D7, DM****22, Yu****up, Sa****ka, Ki****sh, eM****ii, Bi****18, ki****er, De****er, ek****17 found 8/10 correct answers won €1 Free Bet each.

18th Matchday

No user found all 10 correct answers.
No user found 9/10 correct answers.
ljlou78 and Neringa911 found 8/10 correct answers and won €1 Free Bet each.

17th Matchday

No user found all 10 correct answers.
No user found 9/10 correct answers.
No user found 8/10 correct answers.

16th Matchday

No user found all 10 correct answers.
Gr****y1, ri****24, Ga****yg, Ke****87, Ha****LT found 9/10 correct answers and won a €10 Free Bet each.
Lu****y7, 88****a8, Al****35, Ch****ns, Ao****88, Mo****16, Ma****tz, Cr****11, Sh****r9, Pa****30, Me****an, pa****76, eg****ur, Bu****92, 41****41, Da****85, 62****84, jh****23, ab****96, ak****12, 83****ce, Tw****rz, Eo****88, Ia****th, Jo****23, Ma****81, DM****22, Da****71, Pj****02, Da****ng, ed****83, Mu****20, ca****ah found 8/10 correct answers and won €1 Free Bet each.

15th Matchday

No user found all 10 correct answers.
No user found 9/10 correct answers.
No user found 8/10 correct answers.

14th Matchday

No user found all 10 correct answers.
No user found 9/10 correct answers.
bb****81, cz****83, co****em, Ge****ve found 8/10 correct answers and won €1 Free Bet each.

13th Matchday

No user found all 10 correct answers.
Ni****e1, Lu****ns, Pg****86, Sh****94, Lu****24, Ho****15, Ma****na, Se****88 found 9/10 correct answers and won a €10 Free Bet each.
mi****62, Je****ix, ad****dy, Se****90, Ei****ie, 74****64, jk****e5, Ho****88, Ha****91, ci****y3, Be****07, th****st, ge****14, Ve****ne, Co****17, Sa****03, Di****ab, St****tz, Od****cd, Sh****07, bb****81, do****01, gj****43, Gr****y1, eg****ur, Ch****ra, Ch****ns, du****na, MS****dy, De****en, ci****98, Do****83, Da****l7, Ro****ke, Ri****in, Da****ng, Ni****29, Ri****88, AN****81, Se****iu, Mu****20, Jo****23, Al****35, An****36, le****am, Jo****40, Ta****11, Mi****26, De****07, Pa****84, Cc****34, ZG****CU, jc****23, di****31, Ch****ck, Ki****80, Le****oj, oc****99, Ko****13, Se****85, Ca****92, Lo****92, ca****jf, ki****oc, Tr****oo, Og****sh, dc****ge, Ls****27, Eo****88, Da****20, Co****95, Sa****ka, Ha****LT, Ad****05, Jj****om, Ma****81, Ma****41, Do****ix, Mo****16, Ph****35, Al****88, pe****01 found 8/10 correct answers and won €1 Free Bet each.

12th Matchday

No user found all 10 correct answers.
No user found 9/10 correct answers.
Da****14 and Ac****12 found 8/10 correct answers and won €1 Free Bet each.

11th Matchday

No user found all 10 correct answers.
IS****IL, Ne****86, Al****35, th****st, pa****76, gj****43, we****ja, Ve****ne, Za****o1, vi****07, An****73, An****01, Jo****69, Qq****xx, Ji****80, Ce****al, Si****ic found 9/10 correct answers and won a €10 Free Bet each.
De****k9, Sa****03, Be****ey, Ev****ro, Bu****50, Da****ng, DR****AN, Se****81, Us****86, Be****24 found 8/10 correct answers and won €1 Free Bet each.

10th Matchday

No user found all 10 correct answers.
IS****IL found 9/10 correct answers and won a €10 Free Bet.
Jo****81 found 8/10 correct answers and won €1 Free Bet each.

9th Matchday

  • Ve****ne found all 10 correct answers and won €500.
  • re****zu found 9/10 correct answers and won a €10 Free Bet.
  • De****59, cj****ra, Wi****na, Za****18, Mi****20, Ch****39, 62****84, DM****22, La****83, Ga****n1, ri****24, Th****85, Ko****13, ja****17, Da****82, Lu****ny, Sw****79, te****05 found 8/10 correct answers and won €1 Free Bet each.

8th Matchday

No user found all 10 correct answers.
No user found 9/10 correct answers.
Pu****98, Mi****z7, Da****iu, ke****95, Ch****39, Ri****88, De****04 and Li****19 found 8/10 correct answers and won €1 Free Bet each.

7th Matchday

  • Av****13 found all 10 correct answers and won €500.
  • Su****DT, Mi****z7, Hy****11, Da****45, Da****iz, Ko****13, Mi****22, bi****22, bb****81, Lu****y7, Ch****ra, Ao****88, 50****es, Ca****31, sm****09, mi****25 found 9/10 correct answers and won €10 Free Bet each.
  • cj****ra, ci****y3, Sa****ka, Pu****98, Ti****11, Lo****92, Me****86, La****87, Me****an, Ma****in, Ta****11, Mo****13, un****in, Lu****ns, Li****11, Ko****18, da****r1, 83****ce, dd****78, Eo****88, Ba****ok, Ba****04, kr****68, Sl****12, Be****88, Ho****88, Pk****34, Jo****23, Co****62, dc****ge, Da****iu, 88****a8, Bu****mc, Za****18, Na****18, Ev****ro, Ma****81, to****45, mi****62, cz****83, no****73, eg****ur, De****04, Ne****86, ch****40, To****ey, pa****76, ri****24, Gm****21, ab****96, Da****ng, bo****PB, ki****oc, 41****41, Le****86, Ia****th, Ei****ie, Wa****84, th****st, fp****09, Be****30, Ni****ny, Di****ab, Ca****fc, le****23, ia****14, Mi****99, ed****83, Pa****l1, Ch****ns, Ju****89, Wa****93, Ty****ia, Sa****12, rm****51, Co****49, Lu****24, ma****13 found 8/10 correct answers and won €1 Free Bet each.

6th Matchday

No user found all 10 correct answers.
No user found 9/10 correct answers.
ri****24 found 8/10 correct answers and won €1 Free Bet.

5th Matchday

No user found all 10 correct answers.
No user found 9/10 correct answers.
Gu****en found 8/10 correct answers and won €1 Free Bet.

4th Matchday

  • Ty****ia and Ri****in found all 10 correct answers and shared €500 (€250 each).
  • pa****76, Bo****44, ea****50, Se****90, Me****an, di****ye, Ch****ra, Cr****01, Ni****ny, Ca****31, Ne****86, De****04, Be****10, Di****ab and Fl****32 found 9/10 correct answers and won €10 Free Bet each.
  • Bu****mc, mi****65, dc****ge, De****k9, to****45, Di****er, 74****64, ch****40, am****24, dd****78, Na****18, Ma****82, da****r1, Cr****11, BR****OX, Mi****z7, Mo****13, Lo****92, Sl****12, Ja****95, Hy****11, Ja****t1, Ma****tz, fp****09, De****21, Pu****98, gj****09, Da****45, ma****77, Ha****91, mi****62, Da****71, po****03, Br****87, Me****86, ow****nt, MS****dy, Ia****12, DM****22, ki****oc, Gr****y1, 62****84, Lu****y7, 41****41, sz****el, Ki****80, Jo****94, Ta****11, su****e2, DR****AN, Mi****85, te****84, Ao****88 and Eo****or found 8/10 correct answers and won €1 Free Bet each.

3rd Matchday

No user found all 10 correct answers.
No user found 9/10 correct answers.
Se****82 found 8/10 correct answers and won €1 Free Bet.

2nd Matchday

No user found all 10 correct answers.
No user found 9/10 correct answers.
No user found 8/10 correct answers.

1st Matchday

No user found all 10 correct answers.
No user found 9/10 correct answers.
No user found 8/10 correct answers.


